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The 'teixlite' DTD VI

This looks at the hierarchical div* elements of the teixlite dtd. These elements are used for the major structuring of a document in TEI where recursion is not wanted. They go from div0 to div7. If you want a deeper heirarchy than this you will have to use the generic div element. Note that you use a div element as content of a div* element, and vice-versa.

The 'div*' element.

The element declaration for the div0 element appears below. Essentially this element is non-recursive and must contain the next div* element in the heirarchy or one of the other structural elements. A simplified version appears in the figure below. All divs must have a div*, a divGen, or other approved element as content. (not shown in diagram)

div* sections are usually defined using the 'type' attribute

Top level of TEI DTD

<!ELEMENT div0 
	((argument | byline | docAuthor | docDate | epigraph | head 
	| opener | salute | signed | index | interp | interpGrp 
	| lb | milestone | pb | gap | anchor)*, (((div1 | divGen), 
	(index | interp | interpGrp | lb | milestone | pb | gap 
	| anchor)*)+ | (((eg | bibl | biblFull | l | lg | p | sp 
	| cit | q | label | list | listBibl | note | stage), (index 
	| interp | interpGrp | lb | milestone | pb | gap | anchor)*)+, 
	((div1 | divGen), (index | interp | interpGrp | lb | milestone 
	| pb | gap | anchor)*)*)), ((byline | closer | epigraph 
	| salute | signed | trailer), (index | interp | interpGrp 
	| lb | milestone | pb | gap | anchor)*)*) >

The next page shows how the lg lelements of TEI are used.

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